What is the cost of doing nothing? That is a question many Seafood manufactur" />

ROI of Seafood ERP Software: The Cost of doing Nothing.

What is the cost of doing nothing? That is a question many Seafood manufacturers must be asking themselves as the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation across industries.

Companies that had not implemented Industry 4.0 [digitization] prior to COVID-19 have had a wake-up call,” reports global consulting firm McKinsey. In their latest survey, McKinsey found that 56 percent of respondents that had not implemented digital technologies prior to COVID-19 found themselves “constrained in their ability to respond to COVID-19.”

The pandemic has heightened the value of remote oversight of operations, e-commerce, and real-time access to supply chain data.

In economics, doing nothing can have an “opportunity cost.” For seafood companies, not moving to digital systems and electronic reporting could cost you increase operational costs. With given situation cutting edge competition make it worst.

There’s clear evidence that the opportunity cost of not digitizing is increasing, especially as the pandemic has accelerated a shift to e-commerce and online logistics and distribution. Furthermore, various natural calamities adding fuel to raw material availability with COVIDE 19 impact on global supply chain.

There is growing market and regulatory demand for transparency in the products we buy. More consumers want to know if their products are sustainable and socially responsible.

Time has come for Indian seafood manufactures to get their organization on digital platform, tracking real-time reporting and improves tracking of production lots, yields and process control.

At present seafood business management depended on workers recording data using paper clipboards on the factory floor. Some records would then be manually entered into Excel for reporting purposes. Eventually, all the documents would be archived.

Creating production, yield calculations and quality control reports from these paper records is time consuming and prone to human error. Managers would sift through stacks of paper, inputting data into spreadsheets and manually calculating yields, and other essential metrics or many time it end of with assumption base calculations.

When customers requested a traceability report, managers would need to pull paper documents from archived boxes, then scan and tabulate them or show fabricated traceability which could land in legal compliances issues.

With its simple design, Unify makes it easy for workers to input data using parameters with respective yield as well as quantity and cost. The software auto-calculates cost accounting of raw material and various production metrics, removing human error.

With a few clicks, managers can now analyse, filter, and download data through various customized reports. Unify digitizes enormous quantities of data per day—permitting the seafood processors to better analyse its production, productivity and yields over time.

Cruxzen Unify platform is a very user-friendly software for Seafood business, it is intuitive and very flexible for customization. The team at Cruxzen is open, honest, and timely in response to our needs.


Opportunity cost often manifests itself in a visceral human emotion: fear or more precisely the fear of missing out (FOMO). That is likely going be one of the biggest drivers of digital transformation as early adopters create fear among the rest of the industry.

Manoj Patil,

Director, Cruxzen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

CRUXZEN , A Product Company


1 comment

  1. Nitin says:

    ERP will surely help manufacturers to reduce cost and improve efficiency. It is important to invest in new technologies in order to compete in the tough International market.

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